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Moms, Pops, & Tots - 
Fall/Winter 2022

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Our family music classes are meeting on Fridays for 45-minutes.

The 5 regular classes are scheduled for: 11/11, 11/18, 12/2, 12/9, and 12/16.

2 make-up / theme classes are scheduled for: 11/29 and 12/20.

Session B | Mixed ages @ 11:00-11:45am

The cost is $22 per 45-minute class (5 total classes for the session) for a family with 1 child

TOTAL = $110 for Fall/Winter 2022 Session

*Add $25 to the base total for each additional child.

**Active duty military families receive 10% discount when registering for the full session.

If your schedule conflicts with any of the 5 regular classes in the session, we will be hosting make-up / theme classes on one Tuesday in November and one Tuesday in December. You are welcomed to attend these in place of missed classes. You can also attend these for extra classes even if you haven't missed any regular classes.

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